Why Ryan & I Are Pretty Sure We’re Outlanders

We were gathered around the dinner table last Sunday evening, and I suddenly remembered something that had caught my interest that afternoon. Every Sunday, following lunch, I take a nap. This rest is vital for my mental and physical well-being. I work diligently and purposefully 6 days a week but then I intentionally rest on the Sabbath.

After snuggling under our big cozy comforter, I sought out a “boring show” – not boring in the literal sense but boring in that I’ve watched it a million times because the goal of this Sunday afternoon is to not actually be entertained. No, the goal is to be bored and fall asleep. Previous standbys include Castaway, It’s Complicated and Family Man, but on this particular day while pursuing the options, one on Peacock caught my eye, an immediate blast back to my childhood – Little House on the Prairie. I smiled at the recollection – did not pick it because it might have held my interest – but as I slowly drifted off to dreamland, I reminded myself to tell Annabelle about it that evening.

We were eating stew later that night when I remembered – You would love it! I tried to convince her. It was one of my favorite shows as a little girl, and it’s about a child just like you! Her name was Laura, and she lived in the 1800s and her family built a cabin and I know, if you give it a chance, it’ll be your favorite!

Mom, she replied, sounding way too grownup for her 7 years of age, the only reason you want me to watch it is because you grew up in the 1800’s.

Say what!?

The funny thing is, I wish I had grown up in the 1800’s. This modern world often feels very unfamiliar, and Ryan and I joke that we’re really outlanders, individuals from another time and place as portrayed in the hit show Outlander.

We love the confidence that comes from knowing how to do things. In a past life (recent past if we’re being entirely honest) we’ve butchered chickens and skinned squirrels. We made soap from bacon grease and lit a fire to keep us warm. We’ve grown vegetables and then canned them for the long winter months. We have a root cellar and a bomb shelter 😉 We’ve made jam and wine and relishes. We’ve harvested apples and smashed them into a sauce. We’ve fixed everything that could need fixing. We’ve picked dandelion leaves for salads, roasted crickets over an open fire, and showered in the rain. I know how to operate a washboard, a butter churner, and a push lawn mower, not only operate, but I’ve owned all three! I quilt, sew, bake, and crochet.

The life we once lived in rural Tennessee made our souls soar, and we will be beckoned back to it, at some point; however, that life doesn’t marry well with a disability, especially profound disabilities like our Luke has. That life becomes really isolating, exhausting, and stressful with additional needs.

We accept that we were created “for such a time as this” – God didn’t accidentally place us in the wrong century – but it’s fun to revisit days gone by making homemade drip candles or putting the final stitch in a quilt.

On Luke’s 18th birthday we purchased a future for him and for us; a future called Hope Farm, a farm brimming with the 19th century; fruit trees, a root cellar, gardens, a vineyard, and a big barn for animals, a wink from the Lord. He does know the desires of our hearts and blesses us through our continued obedience to the hard and holy things he’s called of us in life.

Just keep livin

If you enjoyed this and want to read more, I have a new book releasing tomorrow!  Lovin with Grit & Grace which is now available and it’s ON SALE TODAY!

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