It Shouldn’t Have to Reach a Point of Desperation.

It shouldn’t have to reach a point of desperation.

That’s how my state generally determines when an individual will get bumped to the top of the list for assisted living.

Not an ideal scenario.

I recently heard that an available spot was immediately filled by a young man whose mother was diagnosed with cancer, and the father was unable to care for him.

Why does it take the diagnosis of cancer, death, or reaching the age where you physically can no longer care for your child before long term options are offered?

When we allow it to reach this point of desperation, the disabled individual not only has to process the traumatic events surrounding their frantic placement, but they also have to acclimate to a new environment, new surroundings, new people, and new schedules in the middle of an already traumatic occurrence.

Wouldn’t it be much more beneficial for the family to have these options before they are operating from a place of desperation?

Wouldn’t it be better for the disabled individual to be able to process the new surroundings with the loving encouragement from his or her family who visit & help make the transition as smooth as possible?

But this can’t occur if we ask families to operate from a place of desperation.

This can’t occur if the family is preoccupied as they address a life or death situation.

This doesn’t occur, and it’s a crying shame.

Families need options before the point of desperation.

Families need support.

Families need to know that there’s hope.

Just Keep Livin.

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